About Us
When Michael Eisenberg was 14 years old, he earned $3.35 per hour while working after school in a small sporting goods store. He noticed that when he would work overtime during the summer months, the boss would carry the hours to the next pay period to avoid paying overtime. When he confronted the boss about it, he was told, “That’s the way it is.” After law school, Michael Eisenberg decided he would do something to show that, no, this isn’t “the way it is”.
In 1996, Michael Eisenberg, with G-d’s help, founded Eisenberg & Associates, a law firm dedicated to helping employees in workplace disputes. Since then, we have handled thousands of cases across California in the following areas: racial discrimination, sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination, medical leave violations, disability discrimination, religious discrimination, retaliation for whistle blowing, pregnancy leave violations, age discrimination, failure to provide meal and rest breaks; and failure to pay overtime.
Now we all know there are a lot of lawyers out there. Some lawyers say they handle “employment disputes” but they really just sign up whatever client is unfortunate enough to stumble into their office. They may be juggling legal cases from across the board: prisoner rights, alimony, name changes and dog bites. Oh yeah, also sexual harassment.
At Eisenberg & Associates, we only handle employment disputes. We are notified regularly about employment law decisions in the California Courts of Appeal and the Supreme Court. We don’t practice other areas of law because employment law is complex and constantly changing. In order to be successful employment lawyers, we remain focused on what we do best.
Some employment lawyers run a mill. They have hundreds of clients and the clients rarely meet the lawyers; they just deal with clerks and secretaries. Their case is one of many lost in a jumbled computer system. Then, when the attorney needs some cash, he strong-arms his client into accepting the first cheap settlement offer that the company makes.
At Eisenberg & Associates, we treat every client with respect and dignity. We understand that being fired is difficult and stressful – especially when the reason is unfair. We invite clients not only to call up when they want to find out some information about their case, but also to call if they want some support or advice on how to find another job. Although our office has handled a lot of cases, we understand that each client has only one case and we make that case as important to us as it is to our client.